Bombaci Tree Care, LLC

Independently Owned & Operated

Bombaci Tree, Bombaci Tree Care, Essex CT Tree Services, Expert & Professional Tree Care Services, Bombaci Tree Services, Tick Control in Connecticut, CT Shoreline Tick Control, Connecticut Shoreline Tick Control, Tick Control in CT, Lyme Disease Control, Lyme Disease Prevention, Tick Treatment, Tick Prevention, Tick Sprays in CT, Tick Sprays in Connecticut, Tick Spraying, CT Tree Services, CT Tree Care, CT Shoreline Tree Services, Tree Services in CT, Lyme Tick Control, East Haddam Tick Control, Old Lyme Tick Control, Old Saybrook Tick Control, Essex Tick Control, Salem Tick Control, Essex Tick Sprays, Old Lyme Tick Sprays, Connecticut Tree Fertilizing, Connecticut Tree Fertilizing, Connecticut Tick Sprays, Lyme Tick Sprays, Connecticut Shoreline Deer Control, CT Tree Fertilizing, CT Arborist Services, Connecticut Arborist.
Request Free Estimate

All estimates are provided free of charge, with no obligation.

To request your free estimate, please send an email to: and be sure to include:

• Your Name;
• Phone Number;
• Address Where Work is to be Performed;
• A Brief Description of What Type of Work You Need Done (i.e. spraying, fertilizing, pruning, etc.)

You can also call (860) 434-7948 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday to request an estimate or arborist consultation.

Thank you!


(860) 434-7948

Office Hours:

Monday thru Friday - 9:00am to 5:00pm